All Posts By

Sheena Sy Gonzales

  • Plan-min
    Travel, Travel Tips

    How I Plan My Trips

    For me, planning trips is half the fun. I love researching on activities, booking walking tours and hotels and planning our itinerary. Especially if it’s just me and my husband, I’d rather…

  • Blueberry 1
    Canada, Travel

    Blueberry Picking (BC, Canada)

    When we think of summer here in Manila, we think of scorching hot weather, sweat and more sweat (or at least, that’s what I think about when I think of summer…

  • Taj 8
    India, Travel

    The Taj Mahal (Agra, India)

    The Taj is a beautiful mausoleum built by the Mughal emperor Shah Jahan for his third wife. Legend says that the architect’s hands were cut off and his eyes blinded, upon…

  • Solo 1
    Travel, Travel Stories

    Why I Can’t Travel Alone

    Since the wanderlust bug hit me, traveling solo has been one of my dreams. Imagine the freedom; doing whatever, wherever and whenever you like! No wake-up calls, no agenda, go where…

  • India 2
    India, Travel

    Q&A: All About India

    In this post, we talk about the different questions I asked about India before my trip that I now know the answers to! I don’t personally know a lot of people…

  • Mom 2
    Faith, Life

    Don’t Pray For My Mom

    My mom grew up believing in Jesus, but along the way, she got influenced into another direction. For years, I have been praying for her salvation (and for the rest of…

  • Mom 4
    Faith, Life

    Bye, Mom.

    How do you even say goodbye to someone you’ve known your entire life? Someone you’ve shared everything with; secrets, stories, jokes, clothes……

  • Love Story
    Faith, Life, Marriage

    Our Love Story (Illustrated Video)

    Presenting our love story in a Sheena Loves Sunsets production! ? This is a presentation we showed during our wedding last March. It’s the short-cut summarized version of our love story!…