All Posts By

Sheena Sy Gonzales

  • Fenghuang 0-min
    China, Travel

    Backpacking in Fenghuang (China)

    Fenghuang, also known as Phoenix Old Town, is situated at Hunan Province in China. As the name implies, it is a well-preserved old town and is geared generally to tourists, although…

  • Wedding Video-min
    Life, Marriage

    Our Wedding On Site Video

    Presenting our Wedding On-Site Video by Mayad Studios! Before I leave for our honeymoon (!!!) allow me to share with you our wedding video! Yay! I know a lot of you…

  • Bear Museum 2
    South Korea, Travel

    Bear Museum (South Korea)

    The title “Bear Museum” underestimates the pure amazing-ness of this entire thing. You’d think it was just a place full of tacky bears in different shapes and sizes. Thankfully, it was…

  • Nami 1-min
    South Korea, Travel

    Nami Island (South Korea)

    Tall, leafless trees lined up neatly along a path. Golden leaves paving the way on the floor. The cold December air and a frozen river on your right. Autumn and winter…

  • Mekong 3-min SheenaLovesSunsets
    Travel, Vietnam

    Cruising the Mekong River (Vietnam)

    The Mekong River is Southeast Asia’s longest river and the 12th longest river in the world. It runs through China, Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. Ohh-lala! That’s what our Vietnamese…

  • Masada 8 SheenaLovesSunsets
    Israel, Travel

    Masada National Park (Israel)

    Herod the Great, known for his extravagant building projects, created Masada as a refuge for himself in case of a revolt. This was around 30ish BC. To say it was a…

  • Dead Sea 2
    Israel, Travel

    Swimming in the Dead Sea (Israel)

    You’ll float like you’ve never floated before! Because the Dead Sea’s salt content is high, it makes floating so much easier than in regular water. Loads of fun, but make sure…

  • SInai 3
    Egypt, Faith, Travel

    Lessons From Mt. Sinai (Egypt)

    Climbing Mt. Sinai is hands down one of the hardest, craziest and most memorable thing I’ve ever done in my life. It’s one of those things I’m so proud I’ve done, that…