I previously wrote an entry called How We Homeschool: Pre-K Level, which gives an overview of how we started homeschooling and how we homeschooled when Luke was 3 years old.
It’s been a year since that entry. And as can be expected, a number of things have changed in the way we homeschool now that Luke is more than 4 years and 8 months old already. Here’s a peek at the way we homeschool now.
Morning Time
We begin with one of my favorite times of the day: morning time. This is where we have breakfast together and do the following:
- Bible Verse Memorization
- Devotions
- Poetry and/or Story Read-Aloud
Bible Verse Memorization is exactly what it sounds like; we memorize Bible verses. Currently, we are using Susan Hunt’s ABC Bible Verses as a guide. We go through the verses alphabetically. As of the writing of this article, Luke has memorized A-U. 5 more letters! 😉
Next, we do our devotions. Here’s a list of our favorite devotionals for reference. Occasionally, we would also play hymns and worship songs (though I hope to do this more regularly.)
Then, we continue on to reading poetry and/or stories.
Some of our favorite materials include A Children’s Garden of Verses and AA Milne’s Now We Are Six for poetry. For stories, I try to rotate the storybooks we have at home. I just make sure to choose a living book for our read aloud. Here are some suggestions for story books we love.
We do this everyday, with only a few exceptions. Morning Time lasts until breakfast is over. Then we go up and continue studying in the studio.
In case you were wondering about my baby, Dylan, he joins us for breakfast (and therefore, morning time.) By the time we start lessons, I’ve already handed him over to his yaya for bath time and morning nap.
Daily Lessons: 1-2 Hours
After morning time and finishing our whole morning routine with the kids, we start our official classes at around 9:30-10am. Here’s our schedule:
- National Anthem
- 15 minutes of Chinese
- Subjects for the Day
On our board, I scheduled 2 subjects per day. To be honest, this serves more as “goals” for us rather than our actual schedule. We try to follow it as much as we can but it’s open for changes.
For more entries on how I teach the different subjects or what curriculum/materials we use, please check out this list of articles. You can also visit my Instagram and watch our story highlights.
Curriculum and Materials:
The most commonly asked question is always about which curriculum and materials we use. Here’s a quick rundown of how I handle each subject.
- Language Arts: We started using The Good and The Beautiful (TGATB) Level K but Luke hasn’t been enjoying it so we are switching. I’m still waiting for the new materials to arrive (I’m gonna try “All About Reading”) so in the meantime, we just continue to use the Mini Books included in our TGATB pack. Note that Luke has loved the previous books, Pre-K and Level K Primer.
- Writing: I started using Handwriting Without Tears with him but lately we stopped because he would much prefer copying words that I’ve written. So we got a notebook and I’d write different words he wants to copy (usually the names of his favorite Avengers or Star Wars characters haha) and then in the end, I’d write a Bible Verse for him to copy as well. So far, this has been the most effective way to get him to practice his writing skills.
- Math: We use TGATB Level K Math and this is Luke’s absolute favorite. Tried using Singapore Math workbooks but it’s just not as interactive and Luke gets bored. Maybe next time!
- Science: Lately, we started using the Abeka book “Discovering God’s World” for Grade 1. We don’t do this regularly though. Instead, we read a lot of science related books. In particular, we love “The Magic School Bus” and “Let’s Read and Find Out” science books. We also work on experiments like the ones we get from Oli’s Boxship!
- Filipino: For Filipino, we speak in Filipino for the whole session, read a lot of Filipino books and use Buksan’s Flashcards. Click this for the full article and list.
- Chinese: I use a lot of different materials for Chinese, I think I need to make a whole separate blog post about that. But to give a brief overview: I read him preschool level Chinese books, sing Chinese songs, work on writing Chinese characters and practice character recognition and mastery using flashcards I made myself, which I offer as printables here.
- History: We read a lot of books for history and make occasional crafts. History is my favorite subject so we have a LOT of books on history. Hehe. We also started to do a little bit of “Story of the World” by Susan Wise Bauer, but we don’t do it regularly because it’s better for older children. I plan to get more into it next year.
- Geography: Lots of books, puzzles about maps and just general fun stuff. We also have flashcards about landforms/waterforms. Nothing too heavy.
- Art: During art class we work on different crafts; sometimes we paint, work on activities and more. We also do art appreciation and artist studies (more on that below)
Afternoon Schedule:
Work Break
As a work at home mom, afternoons are usually the time when I get to work or work on some errands.
When I need to go out, I bring Luke with me. When I need to work at home, I ask him to play on his own or work on a craft, worksheet or project independently. I can usually hold him off (haha) for an hour before he starts to get fidgety and asks for time with mommy again.
If his little brother is awake, this is when they usually play too.
Snack and Poetry/Stories/Art and Music Appreciation
By 4pm, we usually go down for snacks. I would bring down books and continue to read him stories and poetry.
I usually choose the titles, or I let him choose from a pre-picked pile because if I let him choose freely, we’d be reading about The Avengers every single afternoon. Haha. (Related post: “30 Must-Have Read Aloud Books for Ages 3-6”)
Sometimes, we also do art and music appreciation during this time. We study an artist or musician and read books that we have about them (Example: Van Gogh) Some art related books we like include the James Mayhew’s Katie series and Laurence Anholt’s books. I recently also had some reproductions of the paintings printed so we can do more in-depth picture studies.
And when I remember (haha I forget a lot of things,) I play some classical music in the background.
Other Activities:
Nature study:
Following the Charlotte Mason approach, we try our best to get out more often. We live in the city so you have to be very intentional if you want to have nature experiences so what we do instead is take a walk around the village as much as we can.
When we go on walks, we gather leaves, rocks, sticks and flowers and we come home and stick it in our nature journal. Sometimes I use my app (I love iSeek Naturalist) which allows us to identify the plants we’ve seen,
We schedule regular play dates with our friends who also homeschool to make sure he still gets a lot of interaction with other kids.
We sometimes have special themed gatherings together like Buwan ng Wika or Chinese Mooncake Festival where the kids get to experience different cultural celebrations together.
Field trips:
We go on a LOT of field trips and we love it.
To be honest, this is one of the reasons why I love homeschooling: because we have the time to go on different field trips during weekdays. (Check this out for a list of field trips with done so far)
Final Note On Scheduling
I’ve found that making a daily schedule and writing it visibly on a board not only helps me keep on track but also gives my son a sense of order. He loves having a schedule and even looks forward to checking which subjects we are doing for the day. And that’s not even the best part.
Having a schedule actually made him stop complaining about Chinese lessons (and other things he doesn’t feel like doing, haha) Because now that he knows it’s part of the routine, he just follows!
I highly recommend creating a schedule but my tip is, allow your kids to create the schedule WITH you. It makes them feel more empowered and would be more open to accepting the schedule since they were the ones who made it.
Also, for the record, we don’t bind ourselves strictly to the schedule. We sometimes skip days whenever I need to be elsewhere or whenever we have other plans and that’s okay. For me, that’s one of the beauties of homeschooling; having the opportunity to go at your own pace.
For more homeschooling articles, check this out!
Hope this article has helped in some way and if it has, I would appreciate if you could share it with friends and/or leave a comment below! God bless your own homeschooling journey, whether you plan to do this for a year or for many years to come!
November 19, 2019 at 5:24 pmThank you so much for sharing how you homeschool Luke. I’m struggling to start homeschooling my child with all the different resources available plus having another toddler to care for, but reading your blog made me see the importance of schedule/routine (though doesn’t have to be strictly followed) and how it’ll greatly help in our homeschooling.
Thank you also for all the book recommendations especially the ones related to art! Wouldn’t have found out about them if it weren’t for your blogs. Hehe! I’ll start collecting them too!
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 19, 2019 at 9:48 pmSuper welcome!! I’m so happy to hear my blogs have been helpful! All worth it!
kristel yamzon
November 19, 2019 at 10:23 pmVery informative blog mommy! ? Thanks for sharing. ?
Eya Greyjoy
November 20, 2019 at 11:51 amThis blog made me understand why some parents would rather home school their children than enrolling them in a traditional school. It takes a lot of courage for this to work but Im glad you are successful
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 20, 2019 at 10:31 pmThanks Eya! Yes it’s not for everyone but for some people, it really works.
Thank you!
Katherine Manalansan
November 20, 2019 at 9:04 pmWow!! You inspire me to homeschool…your study plan has sooo much more meaningful learnings than what is taught to my 4yr old in school!
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 20, 2019 at 10:42 pmThank you for the enocuragement!!
Merelle Joy Timoteo
November 21, 2019 at 12:53 pmIf I would be given a chance, I would love to homeschool my daughter as well. This inpires me more. Dedication is the key
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 21, 2019 at 10:18 pmThanks Merelle! Yes that’s true.
Riz Oliva Villaruel
November 22, 2019 at 10:27 amWow! I never thought that homeschooling can this be cool! ?
Having your kids at home, seeing their development, and witnessing their milestone every single day surely bring satisfaction. Makes me want to also try homeschooling. (But sure I have to quit working. Hehe)
I love that there’s also Bible verse memorization. Learning about the Bible at a very young age. That’s great! And oh, there’s also Chinese lessons.
With regards with the curriculum, I love that it also follows the regular school but I find it even cool because of its add ons like nature study, poem, arts, and music appreciation, play dates, and more. Very fun and very personal. It touches multiple intelligences.
Thank you so much Mommy Sheena for bringing us to the world of homeschooling and for inspiring us to follow a schedule so that we get things done.
Your blog is truly informative and I super love the lay-out. Galing!
But I have a question mommy, how about the grades po? And will it be honored by DepEd especially when your sons reaches senior high or college? Or you just started will play school and will eventually push to a regular school?
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 23, 2019 at 3:57 pmThank you for your kind words!! Yes once Luke is enrolled next year (it officially starts at age 5,) he will be under a homeschool provider and it will be accredited by DepEd.
elaiimariee posadas
November 22, 2019 at 9:00 pmVery inspiring story mommy ?
Camille Anicete
November 25, 2019 at 10:04 pmIve actually read every detail LOL even I’m tho’ im sleepy and while my boss is kicking ????? thank you for sharing.
November 26, 2019 at 5:01 pmThis is a awesome. Just wished I could give more time with my children and do homeschooling. You’ve got a lot of time and effort there, and that’s a great job mommy. Your like a pro teacher ?
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 29, 2019 at 2:58 pmHardly a pro but it’s really a learning also for me !
Colleen Romero
December 2, 2019 at 9:59 amWow your so amazing can do a lot and enjoying things you want while being a mom at the same time,me i do online bussiness but i really want to go back to school in case but so far i need to be a full time mom while their still kids,more powers mamsh
Sheena Sy Gonzales
December 6, 2019 at 10:32 pmYou can do it!!
Cathy Mones
December 6, 2019 at 1:02 amSounds easy and fun but very challenging when you get to the actual process. Been hearing a lot of good benefits of homeschooling but you’re right momma. It may or may not work for some. I couldnt admire you enough for being able to manage everything despite having a lot on your plate. Hope i can do that too haha. Hope i can have the courage just like you.
Sheena Sy Gonzales
December 6, 2019 at 10:23 pmPray about it if it’s the right path for your family!
God bless!
Cathy Mones
December 6, 2019 at 10:53 pmi agree mommy, in every decision we make, we should ask guidance from the Lord. So that we may always be in the right path. Thanks mommy Sheena.
Ish Torregrosa
December 6, 2019 at 11:00 amWow! ? I admire your dedication to homeschool your son. Salute Mommy, your children are so blessed to have you as their mother . ? I learned a lot about homeschooling with your blog, very insightful.
Sheena Sy Gonzales
December 6, 2019 at 10:22 pmGlad it’s been helpful!!
December 8, 2019 at 7:16 amWow momma this is very helpful! I’ll be homeschooling my son the soonest I’m just preparing things pa unti-unti. Will serve this is as my guide. Hope it works for us too!
Mariya Bektorya
December 8, 2019 at 9:10 pmGanito pala ang homeschooling. I am planning on doing Bible Verse Memorization for my 2 kids instead of sinasaway sila for playing-fighting-reconcile-playing again. Sometimes, it consume my energy and I want to avoid it. Thanks for this idea.
Btw, ano po yung A-U? May nabasa din kasi ako na letters ng name ang guide for the bible verse.
Sheena Sy Gonzales
December 8, 2019 at 9:58 pmLetters “A” up to “U” is what I meant hehe.
Prim Comendador
December 9, 2019 at 10:36 pmI like how bright your room is! It is inviting to read and learn.