I grew up with adults telling me I can’t play in the rain because I’ll get sick. And I have always accepted that statement as fact.
But having an active little boy had me thinking; should I keep him cooped up in the house whenever it’s raining or should I let him run wild outside?
Between me and my husband, I’m the one who’s more chill about these things. (He does all the worrying for the both of us!) So when we started discussing about letting Luke play in the rain, I was surprised to hear him enthusiastically say that we should definitely let Luke do it!
Should You or Shouldn’t You?
So is it really bad to play in the rain? Can it really make you sick?
FACT: Rain technically doesn’t make anyone sick; viruses and bacteria are what does. What rain does though is lower a person’s body temperature which makes them more susceptible to catching viruses.
In short, playing in the rain can lower your immune system temporarily but it is not the direct cause of getting sick. So what we should actually be focusing on is building up our immune systems so that we won’t easily get affected. This is the simplified explanation. You can read about it more in detail here and here.
(Disclaimer: I’m not here to play doctor. But I thought it might be worth sharing if experts say this is so!)
Why We Let Ours Play in the Rain
I want my sons to enjoy the outdoors and to have many memorable moments; rain or shine! Playing in the rain is one of those quintessential childhood experiences, and I don’t want to deprive them of that. Who doesn’t like splashing in puddles and feeling raindrops on their cheeks?
It does help too that I’ve been reading a lot about the Charlotte Mason philosophy lately (as I’ve mentioned previously.) Charlotte Mason advocates learning through nature and letting kids explore. From being an indoors type of city girl, it really changed me and inspired me to incorporate more outdoor and nature time in our lives.
Ready to Play? Here are Tips to Keep Them Safe:
So if you’re ready to try letting your kids play in the rain, here are some tips to make sure you keep them in tip-top shape!
1. Dress them for the weather
There’s a German proverb that goes “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothes.” Whenever we let Luke play outside in the rain, we make sure he wears his raincoat and boots! Getting them drenched will only make them uncomfortable, lower body temperature fast and will shorten fun time.
2. Boost their immune systems up
As we mentioned earlier, a good immune system is still your best bet in keeping your kids healthy. So make sure you do your best to boost theirs! Some essentials to remember:
- Get good sleep and eat well: Don’t let them stay up all night and don’t let them NOT eat their veggies! Also, cut down on sweets. Did you know that eating or drinking too much sugar curbs immune system cells that attack bacteria? (Source)
- Have regular outdoor time: Exposing them to a little more dirt is actually beneficial and of course, spending time under the sun is always a great prescription for kids who are cooped up in their screens all day. (Get more Vitamin D in their bodies!)
- Take supplements: Aside from eating a well-balanced diet, we make sure that Luke takes his multi-vitamins and vitamin C daily. When he turned 3, we started giving him IgCo Skim Milk with Natural Colostrum (half a sachet.) Colostrum is the first milk a cow produces after it gives birth (or during the late stages of pregnancy) and it’s packed with loads of immune boosters. I’m a believer of taking colostrum because I’ve experienced its benefits myself! I used to catch the flu easily but not anymore since I started taking bovine colostrum. So I’m passing this on to my family. You might wanna try that too if you haven’t yet! (It’s available at Mercury drug and other leading drugstores nationwide.)
3. Give them a warm bath after
As soon as you’re done playing, dry them up and give them a warm bath immediately after. The goal is not to make them cold for too long so their bodies can adjust back easily. I used to think this was just an old wives’ practice but there’s actually truth behind it.
Do you let your kids play in the rain? Would love to hear your stories! Share them in the comments below!
November 7, 2018 at 1:07 pmSuch a great insight! I used to play in the rain as a child with no raincoat nor boots just ordinary clothes though I had to take a bath straight away after it and it was one of the most fun activities. I was actually thinking of letting my boys do it too but I wasn’t sure what’s the repercussion. Thanks so much for sharing, you seem to have a lot of things to share.
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 7, 2018 at 3:30 pmThanks for sharing Mercy! I don’t recall being able to do it at all as a kid and I wish I did! Haha. I’m sure your boys will have fun! <3
November 8, 2018 at 2:29 amI love this post and that you let your son play in the rain! As long as you’re being sensible (which you clearly are) about it and they’re having fun then that’s all that matters!
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 8, 2018 at 3:30 pmThanks Soph, yes we try our best!!
Cris Santos
November 8, 2018 at 7:26 amI let my children play outdoors no matter what They get dirty all the time and I think it is wonderful Now they are 13 and are outdoor kids, very active and love the outdoors. Great post babe xoxo Cris
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 8, 2018 at 3:29 pmThat is so wonderful and encouraging Cris!! I love that they are not afraid of the outdoors. That’s my wish for my sons too.
November 8, 2018 at 2:36 pmluke is so cute! where did you get the raincoat?
the batman raincoat makes all the difference I think!
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 8, 2018 at 3:28 pmSM Kids Accessories! It’s so cute right? I love it too hehe.
November 9, 2018 at 5:19 amThis is so cute! So I swear that when I was like 16-years-old I got sick from playing in the rain. I live in Arizona so it was like a spur of the moment thing and my friend and I were like yeahhhh let’s play in the rain! LOL. Sounds so lame now. But the next day we were both sick as dogs. So weird!
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 9, 2018 at 2:26 pmOh no sorry to hear that. But next time it happens try taking a warm bath immediately after! Hehe.
November 10, 2018 at 12:07 pmIt’s great that you let Luke play in the rain. Sometimes, we shouldn’t limit what children can’t do if it’s not guaranteed that they’ll be in harm. I am glad you and your husband decided to let Luke play in the rain, given that he’s dressed appropriately and has a good immune going on. Thanks for sharing!
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 10, 2018 at 2:12 pmYes totally agree with you! Thanks Nancy!
November 10, 2018 at 3:36 pmWe do! And it’s actually one of the most fun things you can do with your kids. Anyway, your photos are sooo adorable dear!
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 11, 2018 at 3:18 pmThanks Jess! Yes so fuunn right? Wish I did it when I was younger too. Hehe.
Eya Greyjoy
November 20, 2019 at 11:00 amAs a first time mommy, I also dream for my daughter to experience my childhood experiences like this, playing in the rain, play hide and seek with friends, play sand and mud, climb trees. Such activities during my childhood made me the strong person that I am now. Scrapes and scratches on my knees made me somehow more tolerable to pain and it is something that I am not afraid for my little girl.
November 20, 2019 at 11:11 amtry namin to ? nakakatakot po kasi minsan pag iniisip nmanin maulanan cla?
Cathy Mones mcayemones
November 22, 2019 at 12:45 amoh how i miss the good old days ? playing in the rain completes my childhood and yes youre right momma, let your kids experience it too. It’s undeniably fun ? especially when you have someone to play with under the rain hahaha. This generation is really different na talaga, moms dont believe in myths anymore,. ?
Sheena Sy Gonzales
November 23, 2019 at 12:00 pmHehe yes it’s really fun noh?
Cathy Mones
December 6, 2019 at 12:50 amsobrang saya..playing outside with the other kids, playing in the rain, climbing trees… oh how i wish i could go back even just for 15mins haha lol!
December 4, 2019 at 12:46 pmAfter reading this, I am not afraid to let my kids play under the rain. Thanks for the tips and info Mommy Sheena!:)
December 8, 2019 at 7:12 amHaven’t tried my son yet to play in the rain but thanks for the tips momma, will surely let him play. ?